Yasmina Leroul-Chenoune


38 rue Molière 94200 IVRY-SUR-SEINE

Contact Information

Call: +33 1 56 20 62 37
Email: [email protected]

Yasmina Leroul-Chenoune

Head of the « Biotech and Digital Health » Master Program, Associate Professor in Image Processing, and Scientific advisor of the « Mathematics, and Signal, Image and Sound Processing » group

Overview of research area

Image processing and analysis
Cardiovascular imaging
Cerebrovascular imaging
Coputer-aided diagnosis and therapy
Interventional planning and image-guided therapy
Clinical research

Short biography

Yasmina Chenoune is an associate professor at ESME engineering school of Paris since 2010. She received a M.Sc degree in Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Automatics from the Pierre et Marie Curie university of Paris VI in 2002,
a M.Sc degree of Medical and Biological Engineering in 2003 and a PhD in Engineering Sciences from the Paris EST Créteil university in 2008. From 2008 to 2010, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the 789 Inserm Unit of Laboratoire
d’Imagerie Fonctionnelle, Pierre et Marie Curie university and worked in collaboration with the Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou of Paris. Her research interests lie on the fields of medical imaging and image processing and analysis.
She is involved in several projects that focus on diagnosis and therapeutic aid, clinical research or interventional planning and image-guided therapy. She defended and successfully obtained her Accreditation to direct research (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, HDR) in 2023.

Recent Collaborations

  • Co-supervision of PhD thesis :
    • New insights for the diagnosis and management of brain arteriovenous malformations, Mengxing LI, Groupe de recherche clinique 29 (GRC 29) la Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital, Sorbonne Université, France (2024-2027).
    • Imagerie prédictive en oncologie : évaluation pronostique en imagerie des patients présentant un hépato-cholangiocarcinome, Muhammad Talha Waqas, with radiology department of Henri Mondor Hospital, Créteil, France (2024-2027).
    • Deep learning for segmentation, classification and geometric characterization of vessels, Mounir Lahlouh, CIFRE thesis with Basecamp Vascular/CReSTIC Laboratory of Reims Champagne-Ardenne University, France (2020-2023).
    • Computer-aided diagnosis of Age-related Macular Degeneration on retinal OCT angiographic images by deep learning, Kawther Taibouni, with Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de Créteil and Paris Créteil Est University, France (2018-2022).
    • Analyse automatisée des données 3D+t d’imagerie par résonance magnétique de vélocimétrie – Quantification de l’apport du 3D+t, Sophia Houriez Gombaud-Saintonge with HEGP and Biomedical Imaging Laboratory, Sorbonne University, France (2016-2020).
    • Segmentation and Symbolic Representation of Cerebral Vascular Network applied to modelize AVMs, Fan Li, with Fondation Adolphe de Rothschild Hospital France and Paris Est Créteil University, France (2012-2016).
    • Fusion d’informations par la théorie de l’évidence pour la segmentation d’images, Chaza Georges-Chahine with Paris Est Créteil University, France (2012-2016).

Sites avec les publications de Yasmina Leroul-Chenoune :


PhD degree in Engineering Sciences

Head of the « Biotech and Digital Health » Master Program, Associate Professor in Image Processing, and Scientific advisor of the « Mathematics, and Signal, Image and Sound Processing » group

Awards and Prizes