Andrea Bareggi
Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering and Fundamentals of Automatics
Overview of research area
Mechanical engineering, computational mechanics, numerical analysis, finite element modelling, multibody dynamics, high performance cutting, 3D reconstruction by X-ray tomography, computational biomechanics of insect feeding system, computational music analysis, early keyboard music in southern Italy, postmodern musical theatre in Italy after the second world war.
Short biography
After a research Master in Aerospace Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, with a master thesis on high strain rate deformations in aero-alloys, Andrea move to Ireland for carrying out a Ph.D. in mechanical and manufacturing engineering with a thesis on thermal and mechanical effect of high speed air jet in orthogonal cutting of low carbon steels, carried out by analytical, numerical and experimental methods. After one short experience as research fellow at Laboratorio MUSP of Politecnico di Milano (branch of Piacenza), he moves to France and he’s enrolled as a postdoc at INSA-Lyon / CNRS for almost 4 years, working on material science applied to industrial processes at INSA-Lyon (Mateis and Lamcos), in collaboration with Arcelor-Mittal, Saint Gobain and Safran. He currently teach mechanical engineering and fundamental of automatics at ESME, and he collaborates with INSA-Lyon (Lamcos). At the same time, Andrea develops a career in music as a pianist, harpsichordist and music teacher. He holds a research Master in Musicology and his fields of interests merge his studies in engineering and music : computational music analysis and room acoustics.
Collaborations in progress
- EPI-Cuticle – Research project CNRS on biomimetics. Collaborators : Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (Yves Rahbé), INSA-Lyon (Aline Bel-Brunon), ESME (Andrea Bareggi).
- Virtual Stage – European project Erasmus+ KA2 on digital technologies in Music Opera making and teaching (Giunti Psychometrics, Ensemble San Felice, National Silesian Theatre Opava).
- A. Bareggi, F. Bardazzi, L. Amour, and M. Ostrowicki, New Perspectives in Virtual Environments for Opera Music, Immersive and 3D Audio: from Architecture to Automotive Conference (I3DA 2023), Bologna, Italy, pp. 1-6, September 2023.
- A. Bareggi and S. Sargenti, Listening and composing in electroacoustic music classes: an experimentation with sustainable tools, 30th European Association for music in Schools (EAS) Conference, Lyon, France, May 2023.
- A. Bareggi and F. Bardazzi, Perspectives, opportunities and criticism for synchronous and practical blended learning in instrumental and vocal ensemble music. The case study of In Media Stat Virtus and Virtual Stage, Association Européenne des Conservatoires annual meeting, Lyon, France, November 2022.
- A. Bareggi and S. Sargenti, Towards Accessible and Sustainable Learning of Real Time Electroacoustic Composition and Performance at Undergraduate Academic Level, CSEDU 2021, April 2021.
- A. Bareggi, Towards objectivity in automatic segmentation of music score by XML/MIDI language, Euromac IX, Strasbourg, France, July 2017.
- A. Bareggi, Finite element analysis of high speed impact on aluminium plate, M2D 2017, Albufeira, Portugal, June 2017.
- A. Bareggi, Vertical Impact of Ti6Al4V in cylindrical structure: testing and finite element modelling, ICEM 17 – International conference on experimental mechanics, Rhodos, Greece, July 2016.
- A. Bareggi and G.E. O’Donnell, Thermal and mechanical effects of high-speed impinging jet in orthogonal machining operations: Experimental, finite elements and analytical investigations, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 229, Issue 3, pp. 1-13, 2015.
- A. Bareggi, “Fantasie sopra Iste Confessor et sopra Ave Maris Stella” by Rocco Rodio. Analysis of the original edition and diplomatic transcription, Music – Integration – Interpretation, Vol. 17, pp. 141-191, 2014.
- S. Gatouillat, A. Bareggi, E. Vidal-Sallé, and P. Boisse, Meso modelling for composite preform shaping – Simulation of the loss of cohesion of the woven fibre network, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 54, pp. 135-144, 2013.
- A Bareggi, E Maire, O Bouaziz, and M Di Michiel, Damage in dual phase steels and its constituents studied by X-ray tomography, International Journal of Fracture, Springer Verlag, Vol. 174, Issue 2, pp. 217-227, 2012.
- A. Bareggi, E. Maire, A. Lasalle, and S. Deville, Dynamics of the Freezing Front During the Solidification of a Colloidal Alumina Aqueous Suspension: In Situ X-Ray Radiography, Tomography, and Modeling, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Wiley, Vol. 94, Issue 10, pp. 3570-3578, 2011.
- C. Landron, E. Maire, O. Bouaziz, J. Adrien, L. Lecarme, A. Bareggi, Validation of void growth models using X-ray microtomography characterization of damage in dual phase steels, Acta Material, 59(20), pp. 7564–7573, 2011.
- A. Bareggi, E. Maire, M. Giton, O. Bouaziz, M. Dimichiel, Analysis of damage in metallic materials by X-ray tomography, 12th International Conference on Fracture 2009, ICF-12, 6, pp. 4471–4477, Ottawa, 2009.
- S. Zhou, E. Maire, J., Xie, A. Bareggi, J. Adrien, M. Dimichiel, Damage assessment of Al alloys using in situ tensile tests in X ray tomography, International Conference on Experimental Mechanics 2008 and Seventh Asian Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 7375, Id. 73756F, Nanjing, China, 2008.
PhD in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering and Fundamentals of Automatics
Since 2022
Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering and Fundamentals of Automatics
ESME, Lyon, France
Since 2014
Professor of Music (piano)
Association Musicale Le Rochon – Harmonie de Neuville, Lyon, France
Since 2010
Professor of Music (piano)
Association Musicale de Mions, Lyon, France
Research Fellow (postdoc)
INSA Lyon – CNRS Rhone-Alpes, Lyon, France
Research Fellow (postdoc)
Laboratorio MUSP – Politecnico di Milano, Piacenza, Italy
Awards and Prizes
Best iMechE paper
Joseph Whitworth Prize 2015
Lorcan Sherlock gold medal 2008 piano competition
Lorcan Sherlock gold medal 2008
Trinity College Dublin postgraduate award for outstanding student research
Trinity College Dublin
John Benson memoria cup 2007 piano competition
John Benson memoria cup 2007