ESME is proud to count many prestigious universities as partners all around the world. These universities are known for the quality of their engineering programs.
Are you interested in studying at ESME ? Please check that your university is listed below, or contact the International Office at your local institution if you are interested in becoming an exchange student.
Stellenbosch University (Bachelor) |
École de Technologie Supérieure (ETS Montréal) (Master) |
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (Master) |
Université de Sherbrooke (Master) |
Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago)(Master)Illinois Institute of Technology est un institut de technologie, fondé en 1940, à Chicago. Il est membre du groupe Association of Independent Technological Universities. |
University of California San Diego (Semestre International)8 lauréats de prix Nobel sont d’anciens étudiants d’UCSD. En 2009, le classement de Shanghai classe l’UCSD 3e meilleure université publique des Etats-Unis et 14e au rang mondial. Entre les anciens et les enseignants-chercheurs, l’UCSD compte 20 prix Nobel. |
Boston University (Semestre International et Master)L’Université de Boston est l’une des plus prestigieuses universités du pays et attire des étudiants du monde entier. Reconnue pour l’excellence de sa recherche, l’Université de Boston figure parmi les plus sélectives. |
California State University,
Stevens Institute of Technology (New York)(Master)Stevens est la première institution privée concentrée sur la recherche et l’entrepreneuriat. La recherche est structurée autour de trois domaines : les nanotechnologies, les systèmes sécurisés, les systèmes socio-techniques et le management. |
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey – Campus de Querétaro (Semestre International)Fondée en 1943 et plus connue sous le nom de « Tec de Monterrey », cette université mexicaine privée de renommée mondiale s’étend sur plus de trente campus à travers le pays. Querétaro est l’une des villes les plus sûres et technologiquement avancées d’Amérique latine. |
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Bachelor) |
Beijing Institute of Technology – BIT (Bachelor, Master et Stages) |
Chandigarh University (Bachelor) |
Chitkara University (Bachelor) |
Manipal Academy of Higher Education (Bachelor)
Shibaura Institute of Technology (Bachelor) |
University of Malaya (Bachelor) |
Seoul National University of Science and Technology (Bachelor) |
Kyungpook National University – KNU (Bachelor) |
Pusan National University (Bachelor) |
Sejong University (BacSemestre InternationalhelorSejong University (Bachelor) |
Kasetsart university (Bachelor) |
Thammasat University, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (Bachelor) |
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (Bachelor) |
Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Bachelor) |
University of Nicosia(Bachelor) |
Prague College (Master) |
Czech Technical University (Bachelor) |
VSB Technical Unversity of Ostrava (Bachelor) |
Esslingen University of Applied Sciences (Bachelor) |
Schmalkalden University of applied Sciences (Bachelor) |
University of Freiburg (Bachelor) |
Emden-Leer University of Applied Sciences (Bachelor) |
Budapest University of Technology and Economics(Bachelor) |
Griffith College Dublin (Bachelor) |
Griffith College Cork (Bachelor) |
Institute of Technology Sligo (Bachelor)> >> More |
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (Bachelor) |
Riga Technical University (Bachelor) |
Šiauliai University (Bachelor)(Erasmus) |
Kaunas University of Technology (Bachelor) |
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Bachelor) |
Fontys University of Applied Sciences (Bachelor)(Erasmus) |
Instituto Tecnico de Lisboa (Bachelor) |
ITMO University (Bachelor) |
“n+i”A consortium of French engineering “Grandes Ecoles”. |
Campus FranceThe French national agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services, as well as international mobility. |
Erasmus +A European Commission program that supports exchange programs between higher education institutions in Europe. ESME is a signatory to the “Erasmus +” Charter. |
Privately Endowed Graduate Educational Institution – Education Authority of Créteil Registration – This school is a member of IONIS Education Group such as :